I love to share recipes and hear of new ones! I cook almost everyday, so I can always use something new! Please continue to send your summer favorites to dinadishes@gmail.com. You never know what I might post!
skewers in Garlic Butter and Herbs
-mix olive oil, garlic butter, and herbs such as thyme and rosemary.
- a marinade the shrimp in it
for about 15 minutes, put them on skewers and then cook on BBQ until ready)
(they don't take very long on a hot BBQ)
*my note-make sure you soak the skewers if you are using wooden ones before putting them on the grill!
*If you need to know how to make garlic butter here is a recipe I adpated from Bobby Flay:
1 1/12 sitcks of softened unsalted butter
4 Garlic Cloves, coarsely chopped
Kosher salt, and ground pepper
Combine the butter and garlic in a food processor or with a mixer until smooth. Season with salt and pepper. Add in herbs if you want to make it garlic and herb butter.
Chicken marinated in Red Wine
marinade needed)
-Put some red wine in a dish, add herbs and spices, like salt, peper, star anise, clove in the red wine, and than add the chickenpieces.
-Put some red wine in a dish, add herbs and spices, like salt, peper, star anise, clove in the red wine, and than add the chickenpieces.
*my note-you could also use large Ziplocs to marinate over night!
-Let marinade overnight and when ready put them on the grill!
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