Some friends email during work hours about upcoming plans, just to check-in, ask a random question, or complain about the latest feud with their oblivious boyfriend. Or maybe they actually do work. But in any case I highly doubt most people plan their events around food, or plan out menus for a possible July tailgate in April. Well I guess it’s a safer habit than sending dirty messages to your significant other over email. Unless you are foodie, then you would realize how dirty messages like the excerpt below really are…
“these are the few things in life that make you go from day to day... if i cant ponder the thought of hot peppers and artichokes on a bastone covered in mortadell, cappy and mutz...then really...what's the point? Now i think that pairs well with a Stella Artois? or, do we just get a 30 of keystone and call it a day?
p.s. my mouth is literally watering. “
That lovely description came from the heart and stomach of Mike Sinatra. It made such an impact on me at 10:15 am on Wednesday that I had to share.Not only does he have the ultimate Jersey-Italian last name, but a love for all things edible. I mean the last name alone was enough to make me consider marriage just so I could say I was a Sinatra! But I decided it was better to date a white Scottish boy from Pennsylvania hoping I could save a soul by imparting my Italian foodie ways to another. And I am sure if he ever reads this post he is going to be slightly annoyed. But only slightly because being from Pennsylvania and not having a drop of Italian in him makes him slower to anger.
1 comment:
Could not have said it better myself... oh wait, I did...
god i'm hungry
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